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I'm Kris, and I'd like the opportunity to guide you to a new life filled with rental riches, free time, and joy.

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When you put your faith in me, your success will become my mission, too. We will get you there, together.

I’m truly excited you are here considering the opportunity to allow me to coach, mentor, and guide you on this great journey. It is my life goal to help others achieve what I have achieved, and it brings me a tremendous amount of self-fulfillment and joy. This is the reason for my extremely low pricing and 1-on-1 focus. I want to make my knowledge and experience available to as many people that would like to absorb it, and I want to help as many people as possible achieve great meaningful change in their lives through the power of real estate and the freedom and wealth it can bring.

I’m not going to bore you with my credentials. My success and personal history are plastered on the internet and you can find me on LinkedIn, Facebook and all the normal channels. I’m a normal human being just like you. I have a life outside all this, I have a wonderful partner, and I’m a total fitness and running enthusiast. Like you, I have a lot to balance. The only difference between you and I is perhaps that I’ve built a multi-million dollar portfolio of real estate, and I’ve built several companies over the years focused on all types of transactions from wholesaling to rehabbing, and even private lending. Heck, I even temporarily started a Ferrari wholesale dealership at one point. I’ve done a lot. You should know that I’ve been investing for more than 12 years, and my experience comes with many lessons learned from both successes and failures. I would argue the greatest value is in the failures that I can share and ensure you do not make the same mistakes. That’s what mentors are truly for – help you skip to the front of the line for success while escaping the many harder and costly lessons learned along the way.

I’m not only a seasoned investor, but I’m also an executive for a Fortune 500 company, and my primary accountability is to help shape and drive business strategy for a multi-billion dollar line of business. That should tell you something about my business acumen and ability to achieve results.

Lastly, you should know my style. I think you’ll come to like me quite a bit, actually, but you should also know that I’m blunt. Don't get me wrong, I am very compassionate and personable, but I don't take excuses, and I don’t let students give in or give up. You don't hire me to do that. If i did, our sessions together would just be therapy, not mentoring. I'm not a therapist. I'm here to make you win. Period. This is not some fluffy education program. It is no 'bs' coaching, full of action, practicing together, little wins, little failures, more practicing together, and some big big wins. That's how life goes. That's how this will go. If I sat here and told you anything that felt perfect, you should run away.  That's what the other guys do because they only want your money. I want you to win.

Now I highly urge you to buy into this program right away and let’s get started. As part of our first steps together, I will have a nice long chat with you to learn more about your goals, your current situation with work, finances, personal strengths and weaknesses, etc.  Then, I will put together a strategy for you, and we’ll get started on the education and guidance you need to accomplish your first set of objectives that will move you instantly closer to the primary goal: Get Rental Rich.

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